Rules & Regulations

Every student must bring the school diary to the school daily. Parents should regularly check teacher’s remarks in the diary and sign.
School has introduced Mobile App for the convenience of parents. This application will cover News and Events, School Calendar, Weekly Reports, Attendance, Notifications, Circulars, Bus Tracking and Fee status. Parents must regularly view the updates on the App.
Children coming to school on two wheelers must have the requisite driving licence and must wear helmet.
No child will be allowed to go home during school hours unless prior written intimation is given to the class teacher in the first period itself.
Parents are requested to send a leave application on the day leave is to be availed, otherwise the child will be fined Rs.15/- per day of absence without leave.
90% attendance is required in the school during the session.
Parents are not permitted to enter the class rooms during school hours.
Parents are requested to visit the school on 1st and 3rd Saturday ONLY between 11.00 am to 12.30 pm unless there is an emergency.
Children causing any damage to school property will be fined individually or collectively.
A Child suffering from any infection disease will not be permitted to attend classes to avoid the spread of disease to other children of the school.
All rules and regulations of the school are to be strictly observed by the students. If any of these rules is broken then in the first instance a fine will be imposed and repetition will lead to disciplinary action including suspension.
Any student who desires to leave the school after or during the session, must submit one month’s prior notice, otherwise a month’s fee will be charged.
Security will only be refunded after the transfer certificate is obtained.
School Management requires 7 days to issue any type of certificate concerning a students.
Any duplicate certificate required will be charged Rs.200/- per copy.
Parents-Teacher Meet will be held quarterly.
Mobile Phones are not allowed in the School premises.

Summer Uniform
Blue & Green check tunics off white blouse (half sleeves ), Navy Blue Socks, School Tie, School Belt, Black Plain (Bata) Shoes with buckles.
Blue & Green check shorts off white shirt (half sleeves ), Navy Blue Socks, School Tie, School Belt, Black simple (Bata) Shoes with laces and Navy Blue Patka for Sikh boys.
Navy Blue Tunics (V neck) from Class I to Class III, Navy Blue divided Skirt for classes IV to IX, Blue striped blouse (half sleeves), Navy Blue Socks, School Tie (With school logo), School Belt, Black Plain (Bata) Shoes with buckles.
Navy Blue Shorts for classes I to V Navy Blue Trousers for classes VI to X, Blue Striped Shirt, School Tie (with school logo) Navy Blue Socks, Black Simple Shoes (Bata) with laces and Navy blue patka for Sikh boys.
Blue & Green check tunics off white blouse (half sleeves ), Navy Blue Socks, School Tie, School Belt, Black Plain (Bata) Shoes with buckles.
Blue & Green check shorts off white shirt (half sleeves ), Navy Blue Socks, School Tie, School Belt, Black simple (Bata) Shoes with laces and Navy Blue Patka for Sikh boys.
Winter Uniform
Class Nursery, PREP-I & PREP-II
Blue & Green check tunics, off white blouse (full sleeves), long Stockings (Navy Blue), School Tie, School Belt, Black Plain (Bata) Shoes with buckles.
Blue & Green check trousers, off white shirt (full sleeves ), Navy Blue Socks, School Tie, School Belt, Black simple (Bata) Shoes with laces and Navy Blue Patka for Sikh boys
Class I to Class X
Dark Grey Woolen Tunics for classes I to III, Dark Grey divided skirts for classes IV to X, Long-Stocking (Dark Grey), Blue Striped Shirt (full sleeves), tie(With school logo) Black simple shoes with buckles, Navy Blue Sweater.
Darks Grey Woolen Trousers, Dark Grey Socks, Navy Blue Sweater, Black simple shoes with laces, School Tie(With school logo), School Belt, Navy Blue Patka for Sikh Boys.
Class XI To Class XII
White Salwar, Blue Striped Shirts (Chinese Collar with full sleeves), Sky Blue Dupatta, Dark Grey Socks, Black simple shoes with buckles, Navy Blue Sweater.
Dark Grey Woolen Trousers, Blue Stripped Shirt (Full Sleeves) Dark Grey Socks, Navy Blue Sweater, Black simple shoes with laces, School Tie,(With school logo) School Belt, Navy Blue Turban (Sikh Boys).
It is compulsory to wear Blazers for students of class Prep-I onwards
Only Navy Blue Caps with School name are to be worn.
House Uniform
Divided Skirt-white Knee Length Socks in summer – white Long Stockings in Winter , Plain P. T. Shoes, Ribbons (White)
Shorts in Summer, Trousers in Winters Socks (White) Plain P. T. Shoes, Patka (for Sikh – boys)